Sex and gender diverse passport applicants

The Australian Passport Office complies with the Australian Government guidelines on the recognition of sex and gender

We issue passports to sex and gender diverse customers. This includes those who've changed their sex (transgender) or who don't identify exclusively as either male or female (non-binary/intersex).

We record your preferred gender in the ‘Sex’ field of your Australian passport. The gender options are:

  • M (male)
  • F (female) 
  • X (non-binary/indeterminate/intersex/unspecified/other).

To get a passport in your preferred gender, you need to provide one of the following documents:

If you’ve also changed your name, you’ll need to provide relevant name change documents.

If you’re applying for a passport in a different gender to your previous Australian passport, you won't be eligible for renewal. You may, however, be eligible for a free replacement passport.

International travel and gender X

While Australia recognises the gender X marker in passports, not all countries do. This may cause difficulties for gender diverse passport holders. For example, you may still be asked to provide binary sex information (either male or female) even if your passport has a gender X marker.

You should check the entry requirements for any destination you plan to visit or transit through. Contact the nearest embassy, high commission or consulate of your destination before you book your trip to confirm if authorities will accept passports with gender X markers.

For further information, visit the advice for LGBTI travellers page on the Smartraveller website.

See also: